Medical translation hardly resembles any standard translation of documents or literary texts. Here we need specific specialists who know what they are writing about, and who specifically deal with this industry. Our Translion translation agency provides the specialists possessing all skills of both translation and medical science.
is primarily a responsibility. Any stylistic liberties that you can afford in literary texts will not work out here. Each medical term must be accurately translated, consistency and literacy must be observed.
For example, instructions for some medications. The translator cannot convey general content of such texts, its effect, and some general provisions with some general words. Accuracy is important here, because the life of a person literally depends on reading this text. If the translator makes a mistake in counterindications, it can lead to tragic consequences.
That is why our company has selected such specialists who know exactly what they are writing about. We give all medical texts for translation to professionals who know firsthand about the medicine.
If you want to undergo a course of treatment abroad, you are planning to go to another country to study or work there, you need urgent surgery, then the translation of medical documents is relevant for you. Translion linguists will do this work.
Our employees provide the following translations:
· diagnostic opinions;
· medical websites;
· extracts from medical institutions;
· results and scoring of analyzes, researches;
· certification for examinations and treatment;
· pharmaceutical product instructions;
· scientific information;
· licenses, and etc.
If you did not find the required type of translation in the list, please contact us for advice. These are not all tasks that Translion translators can handle with.
Processing such information is not an easy task requiring knowledge, experience, awareness and attentiveness. Fluency in languages is not enough. Medicine went far ahead. Pharmaceutical companies collaborate with international partners. Medical translations are in demand and appreciated today. Not all agencies can cope with this task. Translion employees navigate perfectly in this area. Some of them has two university degrees. When processing the source text, it is important to preserve the meaning using special terminology. Materials are thoroughly checked by editors.
Who and what requires medical material translation:
1. Enterprises, companies, and pharmacies. Instructions for medications cannot be written in the manufacturer's language only.
2. Medical centers. When a patient goes to another country for treatment, the process is complicated by arrangement problems. It is important to convey all information about the patient’s medical history to foreign doctors.
3. Medical equipment manufacturers.
4. Scientific institutions.
Well-arranged work process and serious professional personnel of Translion provide timely order delivery regardless of the scope and complexity. The agency team consists of linguists who are fluent in various world's languages.
When contacting Translion, you have the guarantee of:
· professional order fulfillment by certified linguists. The company's personnel are able to recognize specific phrases and work with terminology;
· timely project delivery. Within company's work there were no cases of project delays;
· loyal prices for services. There are profitable offers for big orders and regular customers;
· data reliability. The material is processed by the translator and editor. Before sending the work, it is carefully checked and made perfect;
· scrupulous task performance and attention to detail. Do not worry about inaccuracies, distortions, and unreliable information.
We value the agency reputation, so take care of the work literacy. The most difficult tasks are trusted to Translion. If you have questions, call by specified phone numbers, and polite manager will answer them with pleasure.